May 08, 2024  

SOC 384 - Sociology of Fashion


One of the earliest sociological theories of fashion is economist’s Thornstein Veblen’s analysis of conspicuous consumption, which argues that we consume products as a way of demonstrating our status and wealth. Georg Simmel - a contemporary of Veblen, but a sociologist - offered a sociological evolution for this argument. He believed that as the lower classes imitate their social superiors, the elites would fight back to distinguish themselves from the latter. The “old” fashion will have to be replaced by a “new” trend. These two approaches are used to explain the existence of cycles in fashion and offer a social explanation for a heretofore, economic phenomenon! In this class, we will study the role of social theory in the fashion process, and some of the most important distinctions between psychological and sociological perspectives on fashion. We will ask and explain: 1). Who is the Consumer? 2). Gender Issues in Fashion and The male gaze as a ‘technology of gender’; 3). Body Image and Self-Concept; 4). Masquerade and Impression Management; and, 5). Postmodern and Modern Fashion. 

Satisfies the Social Science Thought requirement.