2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
MIL Labs - Leadership Labs All cadets attend leadership lab. Time and place for leadership labs are at the discretion of the Professor of Military Science. Leadership labs are normally scheduled for one 8-hour Friday lab per month. Third and fourth year cadets participate in leadership labs with basic course cadets, as well as occasional advanced course focused labs as determined by the Professor of Military Science. Leadership Labs reinforce classroom instruction and are focused as follows:
MIL 101/2L - BASIC LEADERSHIP LAB. Students learn the basic fundamentals of being a member of a team. This is taught through multiple venues including drill and ceremony, land navigation, weapons familiarization, basic rifle marksmanship, medical tasks, individual movement techniques, engaging targets, introduction to the orders process, understanding Army acronyms, hand and arm signals, and radio protocol procedures. Freshmen learn basic leadership skills and master the fundamentals of being a follower.
MIL 201/2L - INTERMEDIATE LEADERSHIP LAB. Students become proficient in the basic fundamentals and are introduced to leading a small team. This is taught through multiple venues including leading drill and ceremony, advanced land navigation, building terrain models, advanced rifle marksmanship, advanced medical skills, movement formations, movement techniques, special teams, writing operations orders, situation reporting, call for fire, and introduction to battle drills. Sophomores focus on mentoring freshmen and serve as team leaders.
MIL 301L - ADAPTIVE TACTICAL LEADERSHIP LAB. Challenging scenarios related to small-unit tactical operations are used to develop self-awareness and critical thinking skills. The cadet will receive systematic and specific feedback on leadership abilities. Cadets at this level serve as the Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) Corps of the ROTC Battalion; they plan, rehearse, and lead basic course cadets through the program of instruction. Juniors are the executors of the battalion.
MIL 302L - LEADERSHIP IN CHANGING ENVIRONMENTS LAB. Specific instruction is given in individual leader development, planning and execution of small-unit operations, individual and team development, and the Army as a career choice. Prepares cadets for the mandatory 32-day Leadership Development and Assessment Course (LDAC) at Fort Knox, KY during the summer between their junior and senior academic years.
MIL 401L - DEVELOPING ADAPTIVE LEADERS LAB. Cadets will lead cadets at lower levels. Leadership experiences are designed to prepare them for their first military unit of assignment. Identify responsibilities of key staff members, coordinate staff roles amongst twelve separate universities and colleges that make up the ROTC battalion, and use battalion field/garrison situations to teach, train, and develop subordinates. Seniors are the battalion’s staff, primary supervisors and planners, preparing to transition to Second Lieutenants.
MIL 402L - LEADERSHIP IN A COMPLEX WORLD LAB. A continuation of responsibilities listed in MIL 401L. The leadership lab uses case studies, scenarios, and tactical vignettes to prepare cadets to face the complex ethical and practical demands of leading as a commissioned officer in the United States Army.
Prerequisites & Notes There is no military obligation incurred by taking MIL 101L, 102L, 201L or 202L. Open to all Davidson students.