Mathematics Requirement
Either Physics 201 or both Mathematics 150 and 160 will satisfy the mathematics requirement for the Physics major and Astrophysics minor. The math requirement should be satisfied by the end of the sophomore year if possible. Physics 201 may not be taken in the senior year to satisfy this requirement.
Major Requirements (B.S. Degree)
Physics 120, 125 or 130 is a prerequisite to a major in physics. Only with specific permission of the department chair can Physics 118 satisfy this prerequisite. The major consists of ten physics courses: 200, 220 or 230, 310, 320, 330, 335, 350, and 360; the mathematics requirement; and one course chosen from courses numbered 400 to 460. If Physics 201 is not taken to fulfill the mathematics requirement, then an additional physics course is required at the 400 level with the approval of the department.
Major Requirements (Engineering Dual Degree (3-2) Track)
Students seeking to complete the dual degree engineering (3-2) track with a physics major are required to take the following courses in order to receive a B.S. degree in Physics from Davidson: Physics 230, 310, 320, 335; the mathematics requirement; and two courses chosen from 330, 350, and 360.
Minor in Experimental Physics Requirements
An experimental physics minor includes conducting research into physical phenomena, developing theories on the basis of observation and experiments, and devising methods to apply physical laws and theories.. The minor requires six courses:
As of Fall 2020, the Experimental Physics minor will be replaced with Applied Physics. Contact the Department Chair if you have questions.
Minor in Astrophysics Requirements
An astrophysics minor includes analyzing the properties and interactions of cosmological objects. The minor requires six courses:
PHY 200 is recommended, but not required
Honors Requirements
In addition to completing the requirements for a major in physics, a candidate for honors in physics must submit a written thesis covering an independent research project. Such a project may be based upon work completed in Physics 495, 496, or in an undergraduate research program on or away from campus that is approved by the department. Applications for honors in physics should be made in writing to the chair of the department no later than the end of the junior year. The department does not award high honors.
The awarding of honors in physics is based on:
- An overall average of at least 3.2, with an average of at least 3.5 in physics courses taken at Davidson.
- An acceptable score on the Graduate Record Examination in Physics or the Physics Area Test administered by the Department.
- An oral presentation of the research in a departmental seminar.
- The favorable vote of the physics faculty concerning the qualities of the candidate, the course of study, the written thesis, and the oral defense.
Applied Mathematics Interdisciplinary Minor
Students who are interested in applied mathematics are encouraged to consider the Applied Mathematics Interdisciplinary Minor. The minor offers a track for students interested primarily in the natural sciences and another track for students interested primarily in the social sciences. The minor is described in detail in this catalog under interdisciplinary minors.
Computer Science
Students interested in combining their study of Physics with course work in Computer Science should note that PHY 200 serves as an introductory programming course in the Computer Science curriculum, and opens avenues for further study in that field. See the catalog section on Computer Science for more information. In addition, the courses PHY 310 and PHY 397 provide opportunities for students with interest in the intersections between Physics and Computer Science.
Rationale for Course Numbering
The 100-level courses in Physics are open to all students. Courses numbered between 100 and 115 are topical in nature and are primarily for non-science majors, and courses numbered 120 and 125/130 are entry-level introductory courses at the algebra- and calculus-based levels, respectively, for both majors and non-majors.
The 200-level courses are second-level introductory courses open to all students who have taken PHY 120 or 125 or 130 or, in the case of PHY 201, who have taken MAT 135.
The 300-level courses are intermediate-level courses designed for physics majors and other students who have the suitable prerequisites. PHY 310, 320, and 330 are open to students who have taken PHY 220 or 230. PHY 335, 350 and 360 are open to students who have taken previous 300-level courses.
The 400-level courses are advanced courses available only to physics majors or other students with the proper prerequisites. Independent study and independent research courses numbered 390-399 and 490-499 are available to qualified students with permission of the instructor.