Feb 06, 2025  

Curricular Enrichment

In addition to classroom and laboratory instruction, Davidson faculty and students have a variety of opportunities to enrich their academic experience. Some of these include support for research and internships both on and away from campus. Others include support for special projects, visiting speakers, awards, seminars, and instructional materials.

The endowed funds listed below have been established to enhance the academic curriculum in specific ways.

George L. Abernethy Endowment - Established by Robert Abernethy, son of this Richardson and Dana Professor of Philosophy from 1946-1976, to strengthen the intellectual life of Davidson by funding programs and projects related to the areas of Professor Abernethy’s principal interests and life-long work-philosophy, ethics, politics, economics, public health, world affairs and comparative religion.

APX Project - The APX project will use on-line micro-MOOCs to help AP students learn difficult concepts in calculus, macroeconomics, and physics. By making these high quality learning experiences accessible to all, the project helps eliminate barriers to student success. In these respects, the project fits firmly within Davidson’s commitment to provide educational excellence and access for all talented students irrespective of financial circumstances. Moreover, the project establishes Davidson as a national training hub for micro-MOOC modules in some of the most difficult concepts for AP students to master (such as differential equations, the Phillips curve, or electromagnetic induction).

Barron Fund - Established by Dr. F. Hutton Barron, Class of 1961, to support meritorious faculty projects, providing opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Richard R. Bernard Society for Mathematics - Honoring Professor Emeritus Bernard, membership in the Bernard Society is extended to mathematics majors. The Bernard Society supports the traditional Math Coffees, visiting speakers and other special projects to enhance the study and teaching of mathematics.

Frank Bliss Memorial Photography Fund - Established in memory of Professor Frank W. Bliss, Jr., this fund provides prize monies for the annual Dean Rusk international photography competition.

Henry and Daisy Bridges Earth Lecture Series - Established by Henry P. Bridges, Jr., Class of 1950, to provide perpetual funding for programs and activities, which will increase the discourse about our planet and inform others of important concerns about its ecology.

Chidsey Center for Leadership Development - Established by John W. Chidsey III and Elizabeth “Lisa” Robinson Chidsey, both of the Class of 1983, this program is a broad-based, interdisciplinary effort directed at developing leadership skills in Davidson students, while encouraging engagement in civic leadership, alumni leadership, and business and other pre-professional development programs.

Joel Conarroe Lecture Series - Established through the generosity of an anonymous donor to honor Joel Conarroe, Davidson College Class of 1956 and President Emeritus of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, this lecture series is to enhance the literary experience of Davidson students.

Cornelson Senior Seminar in Economics - Established by Mr. George H. Cornelson IV, Class of 1953, to support the Department of Economics through a lecture series and the senior session program.

Embry-Ghigo-Meeks Memorial Fund - Established in memory of French professors Joe O. Embry, Francis Ghigo, and Walter E. Meeks, Jr. ardent supporters and early Faculty Directors of the Junior-Year-in-Montpellier Program, for annual funding of cultural opportunities for JYA-Montpellier participants.

The John Crosland, Jr. Center for Teaching and Learning - The space to be named is within the E.H. Little Library and will be publicly known as The John Crosland, Jr. Center for Teaching and Learning.

John and Mary Gyves Fund For Medical Humanities - Established in loving memory of these parents of three Davidson sons, this fund provides support for student research and travel expenses for attendance at conferences for those students who have papers accepted by professional organizations in that field of study.

Thomas Jefferson III Ministry Fellowship - Established by Thomas Jefferson III, Class of 1959, this endowment provides funding for a student to participate in the Ministry Fellowship in Religious Vocation and Leadership program.

Ken Kelley Program in Historical Studies - Established by alumni, family and friends in memory of this member of the Class of 1963, the fund supports Kelley Scholars, the Kelley Lecture Series and the Kelley Award, annually presented to the senior history major who best exemplifies the personal qualities of Ken Kelley.

Page and Robert E. Kizer, Jr. Fund - Established by Robert Edward Kizer, Jr., Davidson College Class of 1961, and his wife Page, to endow both the position of Kizer Director of Teacher Education and the Kizer Internship.

Kohler-Marchio Spanish Study Scholarship - Established by Davidson parents Francine Marchio Kohler and Harrison Kohler in memory of their mothers, Estelle Marchio and Florence Kohler, this fund is to recognize the experiences of their children Stephanie ‘01 and Winston ‘05 and provides for support for students with financial need who are participating in the Cadiz summer study abroad program

Hilde Kreutzer Music Endowment - Established through the estate of Hilde B. Kreutzer to support the piano program at Davidson.

Leonard Community Service Fund - Established by Judy and Paul Leonard, Class of 1962, to support student service projects.

Malcolm Lester Endowment for the Teaching of History - Established through gifts from colleagues, alumni, parents and friends in honor of Dr. Lester, Davidson History Department Chairman for twenty-five years, this fund provides resources to supplement classroom teaching in history.

Henry Lilly Endowment for the Study of English - This fund memorializing Dr. Lilly, Class of 1918, a legendary Davidson English professor, provides resources to supplement classroom instruction with a variety of opportunities for advanced study in English.

Edwin F. Lucas, Jr. Endowment - Established by gifts from Blue Bell, Inc., family and friends, in honor of this member of the Class of 1942; the fund provides support for speakers and programs sponsored by the Pre-Management Committee.

Samuel D. Maloney Endowment for the Study of Religion and Society - Established by gifts from the Thomas Jefferson, Class of 1959, family of Richmond, Virginia, to honor Samuel D. Maloney, Class of 1948, James Sprunt Professor Emeritus of Religion, who served on the Davidson College faculty from 1954 to 1994; to support both an annual lectureship and student essay prize.

Miller Endowment - Established by Robert J. Miller, Class of 1984, in memory of his father, Richard Miller, this endowment provides full cost scholarships for Davidson’s July Experience summer program to qualified applicants who may not otherwise consider attending Davidson and funding for the Office of Admission and Financial Aid to promote affordability.

Mimms Bioinformatics Support Fund - Established by Larry T. Mimms, Class of 1976, to support Davidson’s genomics program through student fellowships, faculty workshops and financial assistance to college and high school faculty to attend said workshops.

Nisbet Family Venture Fund - The Nisbet Family Venture Fund will be a major part of the Entrepreneurship Initiative and will allow students and young alumni to access needed seed funding, mentorship, and systems of accountability for producing for-profit commercial business. The gifts made to establish this fund honor the memory of Olin Nisbet and his entrepreneurial spirit.

Physics Department Endowment - Established by past majors and other friends to provide departmental awards and other special initiatives.

Price Student Loan Fund - Established by Dr. Thomas B. Price, Class of 1960, in honor of his father, Dr. Julian Pleasants Price, Class of 1922, and his father’s three brothers, earnings are used as a revolving loan fund for student emergencies and as funding for two Davidson Ministry Fellows positions administered by the Office of the Chaplain.

J. Harris Proctor, Jr. Fund for Political Science - Established in honor of Harris Proctor, longtime Chair of the Department of Political Science, this fund provides resources to enrich the study of political science.

Charles E. Ratliff, Jr. Endowment in Economics - Established in honor of Dr. Ratliff, Class of 1947, Kenan Professor Emeritus of Economics, this fund provides resources for economics programs that reflect his concerns and commitments. Programming includes faculty-student projects in public policy, international summer study or research, faculty development and visiting professorships.

Stapleton/Davidson Urban Service Internship - Established by G. Donnell Davidson, Class of 1939, and his wife Anne Stapleton Davidson, to involve Davidson students in Christian service projects related to the betterment of life for persons in the more troubled neighborhoods within the city of Charlotte, North Carolina.

Robert T. Stone Internship Fund - Established in memory of this distinguished alumnus of the Class of 1962 to enable one or more students to pursue internships involving the environment and other types of community service.

Vann Center for Ethics at Davidson College - Established by Mr. James M. Vann, Class of 1950, and his wife Lee, the Vann Center brings sustained focus to that which has been central to a Davidson education - ethical decision making and integrity of action.  The center will allow the college to do so in the context of teaching and learning, community outreach, employment, and everyday life; and, further, to prompt and foster ethical inquiry and moral reflection on issues and situations in the world around us.

Jack Conkwright & Richard Wardlow Music Fund - Established by these friends of the college, the Conkwright-Wardlow Fund is for the support of the Department of Music, with the annual endowment draw to be used at the discretion of the Chair of that department. This fund may also be used to provide financial aid to needy and/or outstandingly talented students of music.

Weinstein Davidson Research Initiatives for Humanities - This fund is part of the effort to expand Davidson Research Initiative grants in the humanities and to encourage students to work together to explore exciting opportunities to conduct independent research under the guidance of Davidson’s dedicated faculty.

Weinstein Digital Studies in the Arts and Humanities - Through a recent successful exploration grant, Davidson has undertaken efforts to develop a Digital Studies Program, comprised of both a formal curriculum and broader efforts to incorporate digital studies throughout the humanities. This program will strengthen the traditional humanities program by providing students with experience in digital tools, methodologies, and theories. This concentration would include the option for a digital creativity track (to include courses in digital storytelling, art, and transmedia production), as well as digital humanities track (to include courses on the analysis of digital culture and using digital tools to study traditional humanities fields).

Weinstein International Group Investigations Program - This program allows faculty members to take a select number of students on group study trips during a semester break or during the summer. These not-for-credit opportunities allow faculty and students to work together to explore areas of common research interest in a setting away from Davidson.

Weinstein International Travel Fund - It is often difficult for international students to get a true taste of the United States during their time of study. Funding to allow these students to explore other areas of the country during scheduled breaks would provide for a more complete experience for these students and would be an opportunity unique to Davidson. This program would also prove to be an enhancement to our recruiting efforts for international students.