Jan 20, 2025  

ENG 360 - A: Desire or B: British Literature Since 1945

Check the schedule for course offering times.

360A - Desire


Examines representations of sexuality, desires, and passion in British literature. This trans-historical course proceeds both from the observation that we may see sexuality as a set of scripted performances and from the theory that sexual desire has a history, even a literary one.

Students entering 2012 and after:  satisfies the Literary Studies, Creative Writing, and Rhetoric distribution requirement.
Students entering before 2012:  satisfies the Literature distribution requirement.

Prerequisites & Notes
First-year students require permission of the instructor. (Fall)


360B -  British Literature Since 1945


An analysis of the novels, short fiction, drama, and poetry of the postwar years in Britain, up to the present moment, with special attention to both historical context and the stylistic innovations of the period.

Students entering 2012 and after: satisfies the Literary Studies, Creative Writing, and Rhetoric distribution requirement.
Students entering before 2012: satisfies the Literature distribution requirement.

Prerequisites & Notes
First-year students require permission of the instructor. (Spring)