PSY 291 - Practicum in Applied Industrial-Organizational Psychology Instructor
PSY 291 will provide a small team of students (N=4) with an opportunity to participate in organizational consulting first- hand. Students will help host organizations address issues which the host organization has identified in order to improve organizational effectiveness. All work will be done under the supervision of Liz Brigham, Director of the Jay Hurt Hub and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology.
As this practicum experience will be individually arranged with principals of the host organization, there will be no assigned text. Based on the nature of the consulting projects, relevant background readings and related activities will be assigned weekly by the instructor and researched by the student as well.
Prerequisites & Notes Permission of the instructor is required. PSY 101 is a prerequisite. Relevant background includes PSY 254 (Industrial-Organizational Psychology) and a strong interest in applied organizational science.
Course is pass/fail.