Cultural Diversity Requirement
Sociology 205, 261, 340, and 430 satisfy the cultural diversity requirement.
Major Requirements (A.B. Degree)
Ten courses, including:
1. Statistics (SOC 201)
2. Theory (SOC 370, SOC 371, SOC 372, SOC 373, or another new theory course)
3. Research Methods (SOC 390, SOC 391, SOC 392, or another new methods course)
4. Second theory or methods course
5. At least one 400-level senior seminar course*
6. 5 other courses, 2 of which must be 300+ level
No more than two independent research courses may count toward the major.
*A student may choose to write a thesis but must receive department approval. Theses will be done by independent study (495). To earn honors, a student must write a thesis.
Honors Requirements
A major desiring to become a candidate for honors in sociology must apply in writing to the department at the beginning of the fall semester of the senior year. Applicants must have an overall GPA of 3.2 and a GPA of 3.5 in all course work taken in the major. In order to receive honors, a student must, in addition to maintaining this level of performance, receive a grade of at least A- on the Senior Thesis (SOC 495) as well as departmental recommendation. In the case of an exceptional academic record, together with a thesis of the highest quality, the department may confer high honors.
Rationale for Course Numbering
Sociology 100-level courses provide an introduction to the discipline. These courses are limited to first year students, sophomores, and juniors.
200-level courses, with the exception of 260 (Statistics), provide an introduction to substantive topics within the field. These courses are open to students at all levels.
300-level courses focus on theory, methods, and more advanced topics. While open to students at all levels, a previous course in sociology is often helpful.
400-level courses are advanced seminars that involve research. A previous course in Sociology is recommended.