Feb 19, 2025
2024-2025 Catalog
Arab Studies
Professor: Joubin (Chair)
Assistant Professor: Eddin (Arab Studies)
The Arab Studies Department adheres to the philosophy that the study of the Arabic language cannot be separated from the study of the rich Arabic culture.
Language Placement
Students with background in Arabic prior to entering Davidson may take a placement test and oral examination in order to be placed at the appropriate level. ARB 201 - Intermediate Arabic I satisfies the foreign language requirement Arab Studies Major (A.B. Degree)
Courses: ARB 101 , ARB 102 1. Two courses in Intermediate Arabic 2. One Methods Course 3. Three Courses in History, Society, Art and Cultures of the Middle East 4. Three courses in Advanced Arabic Studies Requirements
The major requires 9 courses, (10 if completing a thesis) as follows. Arabic Courses
Select at least three of the following courses, all of which are taught in Arabic. History, Society, & Cultures Courses
Select at least four of the following (or additional courses from the above listed Arabic courses). Note: Upon approval, students may count other courses in literary and cultural studies towards the major if they clearly relate to the thesis project. Methods Courses
Select at least one methods course from the department best suited to the intended thesis project. Capstone/Thesis
Upon completion of the major paper in a course in Advanced Arabic Studies, students planning on completing the major with a two-semester thesis must submit a written commitment from their prospective thesis advisor. Students will enroll in ARB496 and be provided with detailed deadlines for completion of the thesis, including regular meetings with their advisor, a literature review, a full draft, and an oral defense of the final thesis. Honors Requirements
To receive honors, a student must at the time of graduation have an overall GPA of 3.2 or better, have a 3.5 average in all courses counted toward the major, have fulfilled all the requirements for the major, and completed and defended a two-semester thesis. The department must judge the thesis and its defense worthy of honors. In the case of an exceptional academic record, together with a thesis of the highest quality, the department may confer high honors. Interdisciplinary Minor in Middle East Studies
Students should note as well the possibility of a focus on the Middle East through an interdisciplinary minor in Middle East Studies . Study Abroad
Students are encouraged to spend at least one summer at the Qasid program in Jordan, which is affiliated with Arab Studies at Davidson College, and one semester on an accredited program in the Arab world. In individual cases, an intensive Middlebury summer program in the United States may fulfill this recommendation. Students may count up to four approved courses from an accredited study abroad program toward their major. |