Feb 10, 2025
2024-2025 Catalog
Public Health
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Professors: Chillag (Chair), N. Snyder, Wessner
Associate Professor: Stutts
Assistant Professors: S. Bullock, Mamoon
Affiliated Faculty: Heyer, Ramirez, Wiemers
Public Health Major
The Center-Established Major in Public Health is comprised of ten courses (11 for students pursuing a thesis). These courses fall into five categories: 1) Foundations in Public Health (3); 2) Public Health Methods (1); 3) Structural Inequality (1); 4) Interdisciplinary Electives (4); and 5) Capstone/Thesis (1;2). Successfully completing this course of study will result in a Bachelor of Arts degree. Interdisciplinary Electives
Interdisciplinary Electives (4 total; at least 1 with PBH prefix; 1 in Humanities; 1 in Natural Sciences; 1 in Social Sciences). Note: At least two of the interdisciplinary elective courses must be 300-level or higher. Public Health Electives PBH 130 - Sociobiology of Health and Illness PBH 232 - Introduction to Environmental Health with Community-Based Learning (=ENV 232) PBH 233 - Introduction to Environmental Health with Laboratory-Based Learning (= ENV 233) PBH 234 - Genes, Environment and Health PBH 244 - Child Psychopathology (=EDU 234 and PSY 234) PBH 251 - Health Disparities in the U.S. and Beyond PBH 262 - Antiracist Physiology and Medicine (=BIO 262) PBH 280 - Introduction to Global Health (=SOC 280) PBH 305 - Public Health and Film PBH 306 - Public Health Ethics PBH 309 - Water and Health PBH 354 - Medical Rehabilitation and Disability (=PSY 354) PBH 370 - Nutrition, Bodies, and Health PBH 371 - Topics in Public Health PBH 373 - Food and Nutrition Policy PSY 220 - Health Psychology Humanities Electives ARB 250 - Gender and Sexuality in the Middle East DAN 140 - Movement Lab: Somatic Explorations, Creative Practices, and Experiential Anatomy ENG 110 - Course list for Introduction to Literature ENG 271 - Disability in Literature and Art ENG 374 - Picturing Disability ENG 376 - Representing Fat Bodies ENV 160 - Environmental Justice HIS 228 - Modern Bodies: Gender, Sex, & Race in France HIS 243 - Native Women HIS 267 - Health and Society in Africa HIS 444 - History of Sexuality in the United States PHI 120 - Applied Ethics PHI 215 - Ethics SPA 407 - Medicine and Gender in 20th Century Spain Natural Science Electives BIO 151 - Use and Misuse of Data in Biology BIO 209 - Bioinformatics Programming (= CSC 209) BIO 217 - Insects and People BIO 218 - Human Form and Function BIO 229 - Parasites and Pathogens BIO 230 - The Host-Pathogen Interaction BIO 240 - Biostatistics for Life Scientists BIO 261 - Neuroscience of Exercise BIO 262 - Antiracist Physiology and Medicine BIO 269 - Genetics, Disability, and Gender Identities BIO 357 - Biotoxicity of Hookah Tobacco Smoke BIO 360 - Biology of HIV/AIDS BIO 365 - Biology of Cancer BIO 368 - Health Care Issues in Zambia BIO 391 - Maternal & Fetal Health BIO 392 - Medical Biotechnology BIO 397 - Biology of COVID-19 CHE 351 - Pharmacology CHE 374 - Medicinal Chemistry CHE 450 - Seminar in Organic Chemistry CSC 110 - Data Science and Society CSC 210 - Mathematical Modeling (=MAT 210) CSC 353 - Database Systems CSC 362 - Data Visualization MAT 105 - Introduction to Statistics MAT 341 - Mathematical Statistics PHY 125 - General Physics with Calculus I: Studio (Integrated Laboratory and Lecture) PHY 225 - General Physics II: Studio (Integrated Laboratory and Lecture) Social Science Electives AFR 200 - Research Methods in Africana Studies AFR 270 - Racial Capitalism and Reproduction ANT 305 - Racism ANT 219 - Reproduction and Childrearing: Biology and Culture ANT 271 - Human Ecology ANT 272 - Forensic Anthropology ANT 277 - Ancient Diet and Disease ANT 235 - Debunking Race ANT 340 - Medical Anthropology ANT 360 - Anthropology of Development and Environmental Sustainability ANT 371 - Ethnographic Research and Writing ANT 374 - Methods in Forensic Anthropology ANT 381 - Seminar in Anthropology: Traditional Asian Medical Systems COM 280 - Intercultural Communication EDU 280 - Introduction to Educational Policy ENV 380 - Conveying Environmental Science to Diverse Audiences GSS 101 - Introduction to Gender and Sexuality Studies GSS 201 - Feminist and Queer Theories GSS 360 - Transgender Studies GSS 440 - Matters of Life and Death: Biopower, Necropolitics, Sex POL 180 - Introduction to Policy Analysis POL 182 - Introduction to Political Science Research Methods POL 207 - Family and Justice POL 225 - US Public Policy POL 228 - US Environmental Politics and Policy POL 241 - Comparative Public Policy POL 347 - Politics of Development POL 381 - Philanthropy and the Non-Profit Sector PSY 220 - Health Psychology PSY 231 - Abnormal Psychology PSY 234 - Child Psychopathology PSY 241 - Child Development (=EDU 241) PSY 245 - Psychology of Aging PSY 280 - Human Neuropsychology PSY 303 - Psychological Research-Behavioral Neuroscience (= BIO 331) PSY 314 - Psychological Research-Clinical PSY 354 - Medical Rehabilitation and Disability SOC 102 - Race, Class, Gender & Sexuality SOC 110 - COVID-19 and Society SOC 205 - Race and Racism SOC 217 - Sociology of Gender and Sexuality SOC 232 - Medical Sociology SOC 234 - Sociology of Mental Health SOC 246 - Modern Families SOC 247 - Global Development & Underdevelopment SOC 250 - Housing SOC 265 - Population & Society SOC 382 - Men and Masculinities Capstone or Thesis
Capstone or Thesis (1 course for capstone or 2 courses for thesis): Public health majors must complete a major original project during their senior year. This project can be public health policy, program/intervention, or research focused. This project may take the form of a capstone (CIS 495), which is a one-semester project supervised by a single faculty member, or a thesis (CIS 495 and CIS 496), which is a two-semester project supervised by two faculty members. Public health majors must work with their advisor(s) to design a project of appropriate depth, rigor, and originality for either one semester (for a capstone) or two semesters (for a thesis). Only students who complete the thesis are eligible to graduate with honors in the major. Notes
Transfer credit for no more than two courses may be used without express permission of the advisor and DPH chair. Introduction to Public Health (PBH110) and the Public Health Interdisciplinary elective must be taken at Davidson College. Introduction to Global Health (PBH 280) and Introduction to Epidemiology (PBH 292) require permission of the chair to be taken for credit elsewhere. Courses may only apply towards one requirement. Additional courses with substantial public health relevant content may count for the Structural Inequality and Interdisciplinary Elective requirements at the discretion of the chair. Interdisciplinary Minor Requirements
Those planning to declare a public health minor must schedule a meeting with the department chair. Introduction to Public Health (1 course) PBH 110 Introduction to Public Health Introduction to Epidemiology OR Introduction to Global Health (1 course) PBH 280 Introduction to Global Health PBH 292 Introduction to Epidemiology Elective in Department of Public Health (including x-posted & listed courses) (1 course) PBH 130 Sociobiology of Health and Illness PBH 232 - Introduction to Environmental Health with Community-Based Learning (=ENV 232) PBH 233 - Introduction to Environmental Health with Laboratory-Based Learning (= ENV 233) PBH 234 Genes, Environment, and Health PBH 244 - Child Psychopathology (=EDU 234 and PSY 234) PBH 250 Public Health Methods PBH 251 - Health Disparities in the U.S. and Beyond PBH 262 - Antiracist Physiology and Medicine (=BIO 262) PBH 305 Public Health and Film PBH 306 - Public Health Ethics PBH 309 - Water and Health PBH 354 - Medical Rehabilitation and Disability (=PSY 354) PBH 370 Nutrition, Bodies, and Health PBH 373 - Food and Nutrition Policy PBH 395-0 Public Health and Film PBH 395-A Current Issues in Public Health PBH 395-B Public Health Ethics Structural Inequalities Elective (1 course) AFR 270 - Racial Capitalism and Reproduction ANT 305 Racism ANT 235 Debunking Race BIO 262 - Antiracist Physiology and Medicine BIO 267 - Cases in Environmental Health Disparities GSS 101 Introduction to Gender and Sexuality Studies GSS 360 Transgender Studies ENG 271 /ENG 494 Disability in Literature and Art ENG 374 - Picturing Disability PBH 251 Health Disparities in the US and Beyond PBH 354 - Medical Rehabilitation and Disability (=PSY 354) PBH 370 - Nutrition, Bodies, and Health SOC 102 Race, Class, Gender & Sexuality SOC 205 Race and Ethnic Relations SOC 217 Sociology of Gender and Sexuality SOC 234 - Sociology of Mental Health SOC 236 - Sociology of Disability SOC 247 Global Development and Underdevelopment SOC 250 Housing SOC 382 Men and Masculinities Interdisciplinary electives (2 courses, in 2 categories) Category A: Humanities ARB 250 Gender and Sexuality in the Middle East ART 320 Art and Compassionate Care CLA 224 Medical Etymology DAN 140 Movement Lab ENG 110 Graphic Medicine: Drawing Disability ENG 110 Literature and Medicine ENG 271 /ENG 494 Disability in Literature and Art ENV 160 Environmental Justice HIS 228 - Modern Bodies: Gender, Sex, & Race in France HIS 243 Native Women HIS 267 Health & Society in Africa PHI 120 Applied Ethics PHI 215 Ethics SPA 407 - Medicine and Gender in 20th Century Spain Category B: Natural Sciences BIO 151 - Use and Misuse of Data in Biology BIO 209/CSC 209 Bioinformatics Programming BIO 217 - Insects and People BIO 218 Human Form and Function BIO 230 The Host-Pathogen Interaction BIO 240 Biostatistics BIO 261 Neuroscience of Exercise BIO 262 - Antiracist Physiology and Medicine BIO 269 - Genetics, Disability, and Gender Identities BIO 360 Biology HIV/AIDS BIO 365 Biology of Cancer BIO 368 Health Care Issues in Zambia BIO 391 Maternal and Fetal Health BIO 392 Medical Biotechnology BIO 397 - Biology of COVID-19 CHE 351 Pharmacology CHE 374 Medicinal Chemistry CHE 450 Seminar in Organic Chemistry (Chemistry of Drugs and Abuse) CSC 110 Data Science and Society CSC 210/MAT 210 Mathematical Modeling CSC 353 Database Systems CSC 362 Data Visualization MAT 105 Introduction to Statistics MAT 341 Mathematical Statistics PHY 125 - General Physics with Calculus I: Studio (Integrated Laboratory and Lecture) PHY 225 - General Physics II: Studio (Integrated Laboratory and Lecture) Category C: Social Science Elective AFR 270 Racial Capitalism and Reproduction AFR 200 Research Methods in Africana Studies ANT 219 Reproduction and Childrearing ANT 305 Racism ANT 271 Human Ecology ANT 272 Forensic Anthropology ANT 277 Ancient Food and Foodways ANT 235 Debunking Race ANT 340 Medical Anthropology ANT 360 Anthropology of Development and Environmental Sustainability ANT 371 Ethnographic Writing ANT 374 Methods in Forensic Anthropology ANT 381 Traditional Asian Medical Systems COM 280 Intercultural Communication EDU 280 Introduction to Educational Policy EDU 290 Oral History: Problems, Perspectives, & Possibilities EDU 320 Growing up Jim Crow EDU 340 Education in African American Society EDU 371 Critical Race Theory GSS 101 Introduction to Gender and Sexuality Studies GSS 201 Feminist and Queer Theories GSS 360 Transgender Studies GSS 440 Matters of Life and Death: Biopower and Necropolitics POL 180 - Introduction to Policy Analysis POL 182 - Introduction to Political Science Research Methods POL 207 - Family and Justice POL 225 - US Public Policy POL 228 - US Environmental Politics and Policy POL 241 - Comparative Public Policy POL 347 - Politics of Development POL 381 - Philanthropy and the Non-Profit Sector PSY 220 Health Psychology PSY 231 Abnormal Psychology PSY 234 Child Psychopathology PSY 241 - Child Development (=EDU 241) PSY 245 - Psychology of Aging PSY 280 Human Neuropsychology PSY 314 Clinical Psychology Methods PSY 303/BIO 331 Behavioral Neuroscience PSY 354 Medical Rehabilitation and Disability Seminar SOC 102 Race, Class, Gender & Sexuality SOC 110 - COVID-19 and Society SOC 205 Race and Ethnic Relations SOC 217 Sociology of Gender and Sexuality SOC 232 - Medical Sociology SOC 234 - Sociology of Mental Health SOC 246 Modern Families SOC 247 Global Development and Underdevelopment SOC 250 Housing SOC 265 Population and Society SOC 382 Men and Masculinities |
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